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Do you know where to find this screw driver set in Gunnison, Colorado?

When police discovered Dammion Heard's SUV at the Cabin Creek turnoff on April 2, 2014, they found a partially opened screw driver set on the floorboard of the front passenger seat. It was next to the back of Dammion's cell phone, which had been removed. I'm trying to determine when and where this screw driver set was purchased. If you live in Gunnison and have any ideas where this screw driver set is sold, please leave a comment on this post or use the contact form on my website. Thanks for your time and efforts.

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Roland Deschain
Roland Deschain
Oct 17, 2022

I will bet that set came from a dollar store.


Brandon Brooks
Brandon Brooks
Aug 07, 2022

Soooo I have a couple of questions. 1. Are there any pictures of the jumper cables? How clean and organized was Dammion. I think I recall in the podcast that he was pretty clean. He drives an suv. If the jumper cables were dirty and grungy looking.. that doesn’t coincide with suv cables. This back of the truck jumper cables. Orrr if they were dirty then I would expect his father to recognize them.

2. Has anyone considered that there were no tracks because the sleeping bag was used to drag him and it wiped the tracks away? That would be much easier for fresh snow to fall and cover.

3. Has anyone asked if that area was…


If that brand is Hyper tough.... the only place that would sell that would be Walmart in Gunnison.

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